Saving electricity tips and tricks

With the increase in the number of people being in their homes, it is not uncommon to see electricity bills rise. Whether people are working from home or binge-watching Netflix films, electricity is being consumed heavily.

There are ways to minimise electricity consumption which helps with saving not only money, but also the planet. In this blog, we provide some smart tips and tricks to saving power in your strata.

Note that this article is intended for both strata owners as well as residents.

Efficient lighting choices

Lights are often one of the essential parts of building functionality and safety. As these are needed for visibility, lights are an area of strata that should not be compromised. However, there are ways to help reduce lighting costs.

For all common areas such as stairs, lobbies, hallways and outdoor spaces, think about using an alternative bulb such as LED. Many modern LED lights can offer significant reductions in electricity consumption. And when you multiply this by many lights, you have the potential to save big!


Another idea connected to lighting is installing timers. Having lights on all the time can significantly chew into your electric bill. Timers give you the flexibility to have lights on when they are needed, and power down when they’re not in use. Even opting to use sensors can help a lot, too.

These ideas may seem little, but over time, they have a big impact.

Smart alternatives

Lighting is not the only area that can help save money. By simply choosing energy-efficient appliances for your building, you can save electricity.

There are many smart options for washers, dryers, fridges and other appliances that may be required in your building. Our strata company based in Sydney can assist with seeking out effective appliance solutions.

Temperature regulation

Another method, although rarely employed, is to use windows and curtains to help reduce costs.

Window curtains

If possible, on hot days, rather than blasting the AC, opt to open some windows. And on cooler days, cover the openings but still allow sunlight inside. This simple trick has been shown to reduce cooling and heating costs, especially in well-weathered areas.

This is one of the leading tips when it comes to strata management in the Northern Beaches and other temperate zones.

Saving electricity is a group effort. Both owners and residents need to evaluate their energy consumption and look for ways to reduce this.

Sometimes, it is a matter of breaking habits, such as leaving lights on, running the AC while windows are open or having unnecessary appliances running. This is not an overnight fix, but over time, building energy-saving habits will positively affect your wallet and the world.

For more information about saving electricity or for options about budgeting your strata management costs, contact our friendly and expert staff at 1300 033 947.